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File: 1708830838602.gif (957.04 KB, 735x1078, Ducksoyjakcrying.GIF)


Hey I’m writing about this site on the wiki anyone have any info on it and when the site was made?


Here’s the article now that I’ve done some of it, contributing to it or telling me some more stuff about the site would also be helpful!


oh cool, site started around christmas 2023 so i can have my own imageboard to mess around with and also for server experience. its obviously dead as hell and i keep paying for it so i can test shit out for things


File: 1708875054758.png (15.33 KB, 615x646, tj_groper 2.PNG)

thanks for the help, I’ve made it a bit better I’ll be on my way now!


gemmy thoughbeit dead website


File: 1709602984415.png (107.82 KB, 1870x682, ClipboardImage.png)

do better
>references aren't made using the ref tag
>references aren't chived

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